Pythagorean numerology is relatively a modern system of numerology compared to chaldian numerology based on numbers 1 to 9 that offers a complete holistic system to draw a detailed number chart called numeroscope of an individual using his or her name and date of birth.
On the other hand, chaldean numerology is an old, occult, and rarely used system which is based on numbers 1 to 8 that allows you to get meanings of different numbers (particularly 1 to 52 and then repetition in most cases) but doesn’t provide any holistic system so that you can draw a complete numeroscope of a person using his or her name and date of birth.
Therefore, while chaldean numerology is highly effective for finding out lucky or unlucky numbers, pythagorean numerology is more efficient for depicting a person’s day to day life aspects in a more scientific and rational way.